Galatians 3:24 "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith." The Law. Strikes fear into many hearts. In today's verse, it is compared to a "schoolmaster." We might picture a harsh old man, looking down his nose and over his glasses with a disapproving frown on his face. Maybe slapping his ruler in his hand as a threat of your impending punishment. BUT, that's not the Law at all. A better translation of the original Greek word would be closer to "nanny." The Law is there to help raise us to maturity. Guide us to good habits. Make us functional and civil members of our community. Gets us to a point where we no longer need a nanny to guide us. As Jesus explains the breadth and depth of the Law, we begin to understand how woefully inadequate we are at doing God's will for our lives. We begin to understand the secondary purpose of the law, to show us our sin and make us realize we NEED a Savio...