Matthew 6:15
"But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
The two verses immediately following the Lord’s Prayer, in the Gospel of Matthew, should get our attention. It's incredible news that GOD forgives you and me. But, it is on one condition. That we forgive the people who do wrong against us. Jesus says we should forgive even if the offense is committed seventy times seven times! When someone asks forgiveness, we are to kindly pardon their offense. If they do not ask for forgiveness, yet we are still to treat them friendly; not to harbor malice, not to speak ill of them. And, be ready to forgive in the event they ask for it.
Today's verse makes the conditions plain as day. "But if ye forgive NOT men their trespasses, NEITHER will your Father forgive your trespasses." GOD is merciful if you are merciful. If you are cruel and revengeful to others, GOD will not be merciful to you. Appreciate that people are on equal footing with each other. It's peers forgiving peers. Our Father which is in heaven, is above us, and no ways obligated to us. His forgiveness is completely from His generosity. GOD is an infinitely just and fair judge.
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