Matthew 6:12
"And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."
Don't take The Lord's Prayer for granted. Don't say it by rote. Mean it when you say it. This week we are studying the Second Petition, “Thy Kingdom Come.”
This reminds us to follow GOD'S way. We want to focus on the Holy Trinity; the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. “Thy” way not my way.
“Thy Kingdom...” Jesus is our Lord and Savior. He is our Monarch, our King. A Lord who is dominant over you. In charge of you. You don't get a say in the matter.
“...Come” for God to be here now! Not later. Rescue us from this sin-filled life. Don't put it off. Now is the time. We can open our heart and mind to fall under God's rule today. Don't wait for some future date. Submission to God. Let God be the pilot and you can be the co-pilot.
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