Acts 4:12
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
This week, we are studying a podcast interview of Dr. Alvin J. Schmidt. Author of the book "Faith Misused." This book is the culmination of his lifetime of work. He carefully researched this book for nearly twenty years. He documents the history and use of the word FAITH. How it's specific to Christianity. Faith is an innovation of Jesus and His Disciples. It's not indigenous to any other religion. Only three other scholars have picked up this fact. Dr. Schmidt details it all in his book "Faith Misused."
Biblical ignorance is pronounced in our world today. In the culture and in the church. We need to start by using Holy Scriptures to define FAITH. Paul used "The Faith" or "The Way" when writing about the early Church. Modern translations have dropped the definite article; "The." Making it much more vague. But, The Holy Bible is clear on the exclusive nature of FAITH in Jesus Christ. It is The One True FAITH. The only FAITH. The word "Christian" first appeared in Acts 11: 26. It is used one more time in Acts and once in 1 Peter.
Today's verse is an outstanding example of how specific and declarative the New Testament is about FAITH in Jesus Christ. "Neither is there salvation in ANY other: for there is NONE other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." NO OTHER NAME. Period.
As Christians, we like to accommodate our neighbors and be friendly to them. But, if we take it too far, we give up what is uniquely Christian. The New Testament does not use an adjective on faith. We need to remind each other of this fact. To be conscious about our language and how we communicate to the world. It's very important...
To learn more about this subject, the book and its author listen to PART FIVE of this podcast...
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