Genesis 12:3
"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."
People TRUSTING GOD is our focus in Genesis. GOD is telling Abram to leave his father’s house and country. GOD'S command is definitive with "GET OUT." Abram has to TRUST that leaving everything he knows is the right thing to do. He is demonstrating true obedience. More important than Abram’s TRUST is God’s promises. God says; "I WILL" two times. It's all GOD'S doing. Abram will go on to become the father of the believing! (Galatians 3:7) If we read Abram's story, we see an example of a person GROWING in TRUST and obedience.
In today's verse, we read God's promise to make Abram LEGENDARY! "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall ALL FAMILIES of the earth be BLESSED." We can take this verse for granted. We read it and say, of course, it's about Jesus! We need to appreciate that for thousands of years, these words were just a promise. They were not fulfilled until Jesus's birth. AND, when these words were spoken, Abram, Sarai, and family were just a rag tag group of people setting out on their own. It would have looked like they were unlikely to survive, much less become a great nation that would give rise to the Savior of the world!!!
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