Genesis 12:3
"3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."
This week we are learning about GOD'S Covenant with Abraham. God's Covenant is different! God has a rescue plan for all people. He begins to share it at the very creation. From Genesis to Revelations is a record of God's Rescue Plan. It starts in ernest here in these verses with Abraham. Note; GOD'S DECLARATIONS with the words; "I WILL." In yesterday's verses and today's! God provides. It's all God’s doing. Abraham had NO IDEA what his role was in God's Rescue Plan. There is no way he could foresee his bloodline leads to Jesus. Abraham could not even know the many generations to come who would be faithful to GOD and pass their faith to the next generation. All the way to you and me, today, we are a spiritual descendants of Abraham. As our verse says; " thee shall ALL families of the EARTH be BLESSED."
We don't know all the details of Abraham's life. What we do know from Holy Scriptures is the land Abraham left behind was descending into polytheism and idolatry. GOD saves Abraham and his family from that. God makes Abraham's family the beginning of His Chosen Nation! The sacrifice and loss that Abraham experience along the way is made up for by abundant prosperity. GOD protects Abraham and gives him victory over all that seek to harm him. GOD picked Abraham to save FAITH and grow His family of believers, from which GOD'S ultimate revelation of His LOVE and MERCY in the incarnate birth of the Son of GOD!
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