John 3:30
"He must increase, but I must decrease."
Today our study transitions from questioning GOD to understanding that with GOD Less is More! We have looked into the verses where the Apostle Peter tried to REBUKE Jesus after He shared GOD'S plan with His closest students. Too often you and I see God's plan the same way Peter did. And, in our ignorance and out of our hubris we question GOD?
Jesus's rebuttal was to say; "If any man will come after Me, let him DENY himself, and take up his CROSS, and FOLLOW Me." We think we understand these verses and the meaning being we need to prevent ourselves from receiving pleasure or profit. This is NOT the meaning found in the original GREEK version. There we read a more explicit meaning where all our natural motives and impulses that come into CONFLICT with the claims of CHRIST are denied. This self denial commanded here is patterned after the Son of God, in becoming man emptied Himself and came to walk among His creation and become a living sacrifice for all people of all time.
In today's verse from the Gospel of John, chapter three, verse thirty; John the Baptizer say it best, very publicly and very loudly... "He must INCREASE, but I must DECREASE." John is ready to become less so that our Lord and Savior may become MORE.
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