"Great are You, O Lord, and exceedingly worthy of praise; Your power is immense, and Your wisdom beyond reckoning. And so we men, who are a due part of Your creation, long to praise You – we also carry our mortality about with us, carry the evidence of our sin and with it the proof that You thwart the proud. You arouse us so that praising You may bring us joy, because You have made us and drawn us to Yourself, and our heart is unquiet until it rests in You." From the Confessions, Saint Augustine of Hippo
St. Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354 - 430) was an Algerian-Roman philosopher and theologian of the late Roman / early Medieval period. He is one of the most important early figures in the development of Western Christianity, and was a major figure in bringing Christianity to dominance in the previously pagan Roman Empire. He is often considered the father of orthodox theology and the greatest of the four great fathers of the Latin Church (along with St. Ambrose, St. Jerome and St. Gregory).
St. Augustine was more than just grass for our lawns. He helped form the way we think about a FAITH and Belief in Jesus Christ as our Savior. Today's quote from him drives home the point of our study this past week; "our heart is unquiet UNTIL it RESTS in You."
We will "THIRST AGAIN" until we drink in the "LIVING WATERS" from Jesus Christ! FAITH in Him as the Messiah, the Savior, the Son of God. Until we begin to encounter Jesus like the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well we will not find rest or satisfaction.
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