Luke 4:8
"8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind Me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.
Jesus was alone in the wilderness with Satan! Jesus told His Disciples about this experience so they could learn how to resist temptation. And, you and I can learn how to resist temptation! First Jesus quotes the Holy Bible to resist Satan. In today's verses too Jesus uses Holy Scriptures to fight off Satan.
Satan has promised "If Thou therefore wilt WORSHIP ME, all shall be Thine." Satan lies and says the world is his to give. What does Satan have to offer? Lies. Abuse. Suffering. Jesus can see through Satan's LIES. Today's verses; "And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind Me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve." This is quoting Deuteronomy chapter six verse thirteen. Jesus knew GOD, His Father and experienced the empowerment of the Holy Ghost. He cultivated through a lifetime of solitude, prayer, and meditation on Scripture enabled Him to resist Satan by reciting and embodying the truth of Holy Scriptures! The more we know the Word of God; the better we can see through Satan's LIES and fight off the temptation!!!
As a man Jesus had needs, limitations, and frailties. He had a flesh and blood body with nerve endings like ours and emotions that tore Him as ours do. Jesus experienced the sting of hunger, thirst, sleep deprivation, disrespect, abandonment, betrayal, torture, and even death. Did the Son of God have any fear of heights???
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