Psalms 123:3
"3 Have mercy upon us, O LORD, have mercy upon us: for we are exceedingly filled with contempt."
We were studying Jesus's AUTHORITY over our lives. JESUS is the main thing and will be a firm foundation that you can build your life upon! The firm foundation of FAITH makes all the difference. Keeping in mind; it's NOT going to be easy. Discipleship to our Lord and Savior involves taking up our own cross and making sacrifices in our own lives.
As Disciples we want to dedicating ourselves to the Tithe. We need to be engaged in our community, church and small groups. We need to make it a habit to attend Worship regularly. Everyday we need to read and study the Holy Bible. AND... we need to go to God in prayer throughout our day. Pray often and pray repeatedly. We cannot pray too much!
Sometimes we get stuck not knowing what to pray or how to pray. We need to get over that ASAP! PRAYING is as easy as 1, 2, 3! If you are ever at a loss for what or how to pray; look up Psalms 123. This chapter is four verses long (short) and gets us to the crucial points. First among them is; "Lord have mercy..." This is the Kyrie eleison (KI-ree-ay ay-LAY-ee-zonn) or "Lord, have mercy" is a short prayer that is VERY important in Christian worship. It is a prayer from the heart about human need. God owes us NOTHING. Everything HE gives comes from HIS mercy.
We need to repetitively remind ourselves of our sinful nature. We develop contempt for God, His gift of mercy and the Faith we receive. We can easily fall back into our natural meanness. It is easy for us to make light of our religion or become melancholy about our lives. But, life, faith and literally everything else is a gift from GOD!!! Our gratitude needs to be without end. From now through eternity!
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