Isaiah 53:5
"But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed."
This week we are studying how Easter was Built Upon Promises; God's promises. We first looked at Jesus's promise to be with us when two or three of us are gathered. And, yesterday we went back to the very beginning, in Genesis chapter two verse seventeen to read one of God's first promises; "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt NOT eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof THOU SHALT surely die."
And, how did that work out? The very next chapter we learn Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit! For some reason God designed it this way. Time and time again throughout the Old Testament the "heros" fall short and end up breaking the Laws of God. God made it so we need MORE THAN LAWS!
Also throughout the Old Testament we read God's promises to save sinners from themselves!! Today we turn to the book of Isaiah. In this prophetic writing we see the most comprehensive picture of Jesus Christ in the entire Old Testament. As we begin to understand our dire situation in not being capable of following God's Law we can receive HOPE from the Lord by way of Isaiah; "But He was wounded for OUR transgressions, He was bruised for OUR iniquities: the chastisement of OUR peace was upon Him; and with His stripes WE are healed." Somehow the Messiah will take the punishment you and I deserve. This is God's plan all along.
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