Matthew 20:20
"Then came to Him the mother of Zebedee's children with her sons, worshipping Him, and desiring a certain thing of Him."
We are studying God's Garden, and all the wonderful fruits and vegetables that grow there. All the plants "yielding seed" are food for us to eat! Nourishment that sustains us. It is all a GIFT from GOD! And, the seed is a symbol of the word of God! This is all by GOD'S design!
Last week we began with Honeydew Melons. A delicious fruit that reminds us to make to do lists for the ones we love. And, to do the "Honey dos" assigned to us! This week we will look at the delectable and versatile Squash! Squash are herbaceous vegetables in the gourd family, native to the Americas. Five species are grown worldwide for their edible vegetable, variously known as squash, pumpkin, or gourd, depending on species, variety, and local language.
The vegetable Squash got it's name from the native American Narragansett word “askutasquash”, which means “eaten raw or uncooked." We think of the word "squash" which means to crush or squeeze (something) with force so that it becomes flat, soft, or out of shape.
We begin our Holy Bible study this week in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter twenty, verse twenty. This is a time when Jesus has some acclaim and many are expecting GREAT things. Salome, the wife of Zebedee and mother of John the beloved and James the great comes forward to ask a favor of our Lord and Savior; "Then came to Him the mother of Zebedee's children with her sons, worshipping Him, and DESIRING a CERTAIN THING of Him."
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