2 Correnthians 5:21
"For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him."
Our study this week is A Baby Needs A Change. No matter our age and situation; we are all like babies with dirty diapers needing to be changed. We have sinned and messed up the things we are living in. We get our own CHANGE; Baptism is a washing and a cleaning. Jesus was sacrificed on the cross for our wrong doings and we are given His right doings in exchange!! It is an amazing great exchange that defies all explanation!!!
By the person and work of Jesus Christ we are given RECONCILIATION with our Holy God. Each of us just needs to accept the GIFT of GRACE. This is all a fancy way to say we are alright with GOD! AND, not just alright but part of His family and church. Read today's verses; "For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God in Him."
The Good News of Jesus Christ is better than everything else in the world! God not only forgives us, He wants us to become His ambassadors!!! Given GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS as a gift! It is the gift that will last for eternity once we make it home to heaven.
The good parts of these daily devotionals are inspired by the sermon at Holy Ghost Lutheran Church in Fredericksburg Texas. You can watch it by following this link... https://youtu.be/Du-rjhX7jx8
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