Matthew 4:1
"Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil."
This is the third week of Advent, we want to celebrate Jesus becoming incarnate. We are studying the fact that Jesus came to us as a baby. A baby who cried. A baby who needed His diaper changed. And, this week we study a baby that needed to be fed! This BABY is both human and GOD! He was there when the universe was created and He comes to live with us in a poor town in the middle of nowhere as the child of a unlikely and unassuming couple unknown to the world. It's REALLY incredible.
God's plan is both wonderful and incomprehensible. As recipients of GOD'S GRACE we do our best to follow God's plan for our lives and we FALL short of doing things right. It's INCREDIBLE that God has provided us with the sacrament of Holy Communion!!! The reoccurring event of Holy Communion reminds us that Jesus TOOK our burden of sin, so that we could return to God, THE Father, instead of being punished in hell for our sins! It also reminds us of how Jesus died and that Jesus will always be a part of us, especially through His Body and Blood shared during Holy Communion! Through this Holy "meal" we are fed and forgiven, again and again. When we falter and fall to the temptations of the devil; Jesus is there to catch us and SAVE US!!!
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