"And lead us not into temptation.
But deliver us from evil."
The Sixth and Seventh Petition from The Lord's Prayer. This the prayer given when one of the Disciples asked our Lord and Savior to teach them how to pray. It is recorded in two of the four Gospels: Matthew (6:9-13) and Luke (11:2-4.) This is The Prayer we need to pray the most frequently. It is the perfect prayer.
Explanations from the Small Catechism follows;
The Sixth Petition
And lead us not into temptation.
What does this mean? God tempts no one. We pray in this petition that God would guard and keep us so that the devil, the world, and our sinful nature may not deceive us or mislead us into false belief, despair, and other great shame and vice. Although we are attacked by these things, we pray that we may finally overcome them and win the victory.
The Seventh Petition
But deliver us from evil.
What does this mean? We pray in this petition, in summary, that our Father in heaven would rescue us from every evil of body and soul, possessions and reputation, and finally, when our last hour comes, give us a blessed end, and graciously take us from this valley of sorrow to Himself in heaven.
More can be found here...
This past week we studied the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 4, verses 1-11. When Jesus was tired and hungry Satan approached Him, wanting to take advantage of Jesus's weakened state, the Devil tried three TEMPTATIONS on Jesus. Our Lord answered and overcome each with Holy Scriptures!
This is the battle we ALL fight. A battle for our souls and all eternity. The battle is TEMPTATIONS from the Devil; attacking our pride, when we are weakened, twisting Holy Scripture so we question our Lord and outright LIES that we should know are LIES. We need to call out LIES when we see them.
Remember that God gives you a way out.
There is power in Jesus. He has stood up to the Devil's TEMPTATIONS and defeated them! God will give us the opportunity to prove our strength and character. God will give us a test with the expectation that we will PASS the test. We need to PRAY for His help. And pray some more.
GOD will TEST us!
GOD will HELP us!
Please come and prepare to face TEMPTATIONS and study for the test with us at one of the oldest Lutheran Churches in the region! It is beautiful! An old stone building with vibrant stained glass everywhere you look. And, ornately carved wood altar and flying pulpit! It is an amazing sight to behold. And, the people are VERY friendly and welcoming. The Pastor's are outstanding and outgoing. We look forward to seeing you in worship.
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